Troop 177 is a scout led, female Scouts BSA Troop. Membership is open to any girls who have have completed their Weebloos Arrow of Light and 10 years old, completed the fifth grade or are 11 years to 17 years old.
Meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:30 on the campus of Oak Grove United Methodist Church in or near the Youth Activities area and Scout Hall. Committee Meetings are held every second Monday at 7:30.
Scout led troop means we utilize the patrol method for our girls to organize plan and successfully participate in scouting actives and campouts. This teaches them about leadership, helps them gain confidence and grow as individuals and members of their community.
This also means our Scoutmaster and Assistant scoutmasters serve the scouts as mentors, teachers and guides while the scouts lead and instruct one another. We encourage you as parents to check with your scout first about what happened at the meeting and what is expected of them. While our adult leaders are happy to answer any and all questions, it’s important for scouts to learn to take responsibility for their troop, their patrol and themselves.
All parents are strongly encouraged to get involved and help Troop 177 become a success! BSA requires the attendance of one female adult at all troop functions so each family’s involvement is important. Campouts and activities may not happen without you.
Opportunities for volunteering fall into two categories: program (directly working with scouts) and committee (working behind the scenes on administrative and operational capacity).
Communication is key to making the most of scouting. It’s your and your scout’s responsibility to get signed up on Scoutbook and Remind so that you will receive information from the Scoutmaster and the Committee. If you’re having issues with Scoutbook please contact the committee. The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader cannot keep up with every parent and scouts personal email account.
As Scouters, we believe feedback is a gift so please feel free to reach out to the committee or Scoutmaster for any individual questions or concerns.
There’s a wealth of information on scouting on this site, on our sibling troop’s site Troop 77, on the Council Site and BSA’s national site and elsewhere. You can also attending training opportunities around the area and online. At first, some of the language and practices can seem daunting to a new family but with a little time and effort it will make sense and you will understand it’s practicality and purpose.
We hope that your experience with Troop 177 is rewarding and successful.