In this week’s newsletter
- Meeting This Week
- Advancement Day
- Scout Sunday
- Cumberland Island Camping Trip
- Northern Tier High Adventure Base — Summer 2024, Meeting this Tuesday at 6 p.m.
- Summer Camp
- Merit Badge Opportunities
- Troop Communication
Meeting This Week
This week we will be working on food safety! This is a requirement for the Cooking Merit Badge and several rank requirements, as well as good practice for our upcoming cooking competition. If you would like to bring the merit badge work pamphlet you can, however it is not required. See you all soon!
Advancement Day
Join us on February 11th at OGUMC for some great outdoor activities! We have lined up a fantastic crew of merit badge counselors; our ASMs will be on hand for Scoutmaster conferences and Scoutbook reviews; and Mr. Henderson will have the orienteering course up and running! Scouts may leave after they have completed their desired activities; Scouts staying through lunchtime should pack their own meal. Food will not be provided.
Sign up for Advancement Day at:

Scout Sunday
Scout Sunday is THIS Sunday, 2/12 during the 11:00 AM Traditional Service at Oak Grove UMC. All scouts and families are invited and encouraged to join the service in person in the Oak Grove UMC Sanctuary. Scouts should plan to wear FULL Class A uniform (with neckerchief). We will have the first several rows reserved for Scouts and families, so please come fill up the seats!
Please stop by Grand Hall before or after the service, where we will have displays all about Scouting at Oak Grove set up to explore.
Scout Sunday is one of the most visible activities we participate in each year for the greater Oak Grove UMC community, and it is a great opportunity to thank the church and its members for all they do to support our troop.
Cumberland Island Camping Trip
February 17 – 20, 2023
If you are registered for the Cumberland Island Camping Trip and have not turned in a waiver, you must turn it in this Tuesday. The form and instructions for completion can be found on the Cumberland Island Campout Page on the T77 website. If these are not turned in you cannot go on the trip.
Northern Tier Summer 2024
Join us on Tuesday, February 7 at 6:00 p.m. in Scout Hall If you have interest in learning more about joining a crew to Northern Tier High Adventure Base during the summer of 2024. Mr. Leff and others will talk about their past experience, what the next trip will be like, and answer questions. Contact Mr. Leff ( with questions.
Summer Camp
Troop 177 will be attending Summer Camp the week of June 18-24, 2023 at Camp Sequoyah in Delta, Alabama. Please note that this is a change from the previously announced dates and location. Additional information on pricing and registration should be released by mid-February.
Merit Badge Opportunities
Atlanta Area Council has already announced all of the Merit Badge summits for next year. The next Merit Badge Summit will be Saturday, February 4, 2023 (note the date has changed from the originally published date) and will focus on Eagle Required Merit Badges. Registration opened November 29, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
To learn more about this and other Merit Badge Summits, visit:
Daniel Boone Council headquartered in Asheville, NC has a rolling slate of virtual merit badge programs, with new merit badges offered every week. These are usually two sessions in the late afternoon or evening. There are quite a few popular merit badges including a large selection of Eagle Required. These usually fill up, but if you look at later weeks, there are plenty of seats still open.
Learn more and register at:
Troop Communication
Please be sure to join our Remind Classes to get notifications on all of the Troop 177 happenings. There is an app, but you can choose to get notifications via text messages or email.
Troop 177 Parents
- Or text @troop177p to the number 81010
Troop 177 Scouts
- or text @troop177s to the number 81010