In this week’s newsletter
- Meeting this Week — Webelos Visit
- November Camping Trip
- January Camping/Caving Trip
- Oak Grove BBQ
- Spooky-Ree
- Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)
- Merit Badge Opportunities
- Winter Camp
- Troop Communication
Meeting This Week
For this week’s meeting we will be hosting Webelos Scouts from Cub Scout packs around the area. Check your email for a note from your SPL for more details.
November Camping Trip
The November campout will be a joint outing with the second year Webelos. Scouts will lead the Webelos in Olympic-style Scouting games and work on basic camp skills. We will also enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner together Saturday night!
For more information and to register vistit the November Camping Page.
January Camping Trip
Due to the delicate nature of the caves we will be visiting in January, access is limited and requires early planning to get a permit to enter the caves. If you are thinking about going, please sign up today. Registration closes soon, and we will not be able to accomodate late registration requests.
For more information and to register vistit the Caving page on the Troop 77 Website.
The Oak Grove BBQ was a great success!

Thank you to all of the Scouts that signed up and volunteered for the Oak Grove BBQ this weekend. The church was excited to see so many Scouts giving back. This was a great way to show our appreciation to them for all that they do to support our troop.
Volunteer at Spookyree
It takes a large team of volunteers and staff to make Fall Family Camp an amazing experience for our Scouts. Scout BSA Troops or individual Scouts are encouraged to volunteer to help at this event. Volunteers will have all meals, lodging, and a patch, plus service hours (where applicable). If you are interested in volunteering, please register at the link below. You will receive further information from our Volunteer Coordinator closer to the event. Click here to register:
Volunteers are still needed for: October 21-23.
Note that while this is a troop approved service opportunity, it is not (currently) a troop planned activity. If you attend, you will need to make your own arrangments for transporation.
There are opportunities for community service listed on the Community Service Page. If you know of any other opportunities, please feel free to share these with Julian or Mr. Taylor.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops
Atlanta Area Council offerother Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops courses several times each year. ILST is a great training opportunity for Scouts to learn to be an effective leader in the troop. Registration is open for the next session on November 5th. If you are at all interested in NYLT, please consider taking one of these courses.
More information about Atlanta Area Council ILST:
One more reason to take ILST is that it is a pre-requisite for National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). This is a week-long leadership training course that will teach you how to be an effective leader not just in the troop, but in school, at home, and in all aspects of life. Courses are offered several times a year during school breaks. If you are at all intersted in NYLT makes plans to take ILST.
More information about NYLT:
Merit Badge Opportunities
Atlanta Area Council has announced all of the Merit Badge summits for 2022. The next Merit Badge Summit will be Saturday, Oct 29, 2022 and will be Stranger Things themed, meaning some of the more uncommon (i.e. stranger) Merit Badges will be offered.
To learn more about this and other Merit Badge Summits planned this year, visit:
Daniel Boone Council headquartered in Asheville, NC has a rolling slate of virtual merit badge programs, with new merit badges offered every week. These are usually two sessions in the late afternoon or evening. There are quite a few popular merit badges including a large selection of Eagle Required. These usually fill up, but if you look at later weeks, there are plenty of seats still open.
Learn more and register at:
Winter Camp at Bert Adams
The Atlanta Area Council is excited to offer Winter Camp at Bert Adams for Scouts BSA Troops! Scouts will have the opportunity to camp, play, and experience unique programs and merit badges that are not available at either of our summer camps!
We’ve pulled together the best of our summer camp staff for an all-star leadership team. Scouts can attend as a Troop, patrol, or as individual provisional Scouts.
More information about Winter Camp visit:
Troop Communication
Please be sure to join our Remind Classes to get notifications on all of the Troop 177 happenings. There is an app, but you can choose to get notifications via text messages or email.
Troop 177 Parents
- Or text @troop177p to the number 81010
Troop 177 Scouts
- or text @troop177s to the number 81010